Business application visibility

This topic relates to business applications visibility throughout ASMS enabled by AppViz.

ASMS systems licensed for AppViz enjoy a read-only Business App Field for rules throughout ASMS.

The Business App field can indicate multiple applications. Clicking on any of the app names (links) in the Business App field opens the AppViz dashboard for that application.

Business app field creation

The field is created and modified when connectivity check is run in the AppViz as follows:

  1. Go to AppViz

  2. Click the Applications tab

  3. Click 1 Application

  4. Click Flows

  5. Select one active application flow and run connectivity check by clicking the connnectivity check icon.

Note: Updating Business App Fields throughout ASMS in this way is limited to allowed, active flows, for example flows are marked by a green border in AppViz Flows page.

AppViz correlates the rule, or the flow in AppViz terminology, with the policy rule sets of the security devices within the infrastructure and makes the Business Applications field available for display in many ASMS screens. See Visibility of the Business Applications field.


  • AppViz must be licensed and activated

  • At least 5 active applications must be in use

  • First time construction of a business application field depends on the running of AFA analysis after the application creation

Triggers of application field creation and updating

Business application fields are automatically created and updated by trigger activities:

  • Activate Connectivity Check on a Flow
    See Business app field creation above.

  • Add / edit / remove flows
    The change of field content takes place after the following connectivity check

  • AppViz object change and abstract objects assignment
    The change of field content takes place after the following connectivity

  • Decommission / Rename application
    The change takes place immediately upon decommissioning or renaming the application.

Visibility of the Business Applications field

Examples of Business Application visibility throughout ASMS include:

  • Policy tab
    On the policy tab, the business application field supports filtering.

    Risky Rules
    To view the business application fields, scroll to the right.
    After scrolling to the right, the business application fields are visible.

  • Rule Cleanup optimization pages

  • Query results

  • FireFlow Rule Removal/Modification request form