Update data via CSV files

This topic describes how to update AppViz data from CSV files from the AppVizAdministration area or via CLI.

Flows can also be imported from CSV files in the main Discovery area. For details, see Discover applications via AutoDiscovery or the Cisco Secure Workload server.

Supported import data

AppViz provides the ability to import the following data from CSV files:

  • Flows to applications (including discovery search results)
  • Applications and custom application fields
  • Contacts and custom contacts fields
  • Contacts and their roles in applications
  • Network Objects and their custom fields

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CSV file sources

  • Some options for acquiring the CSV file include:
  • When you have the data ready, run the update.

    For details, see:

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    Prepare a CSV file

    Note: You can download an example of any of the types of CSV files. In the Import tab of the Administration area you can download examples of the Applications, Contacts, Flows or Application Contacts CSV file. In the Objects Update tab of the Administration area you can download an example Network Object CSV file.

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    Download a flows CSV example

    To download a flows CSV example from the Administration area:

    1. In the toolbar, click your username.

      A drop-down list appears.

    2. In the drop-down list, select Administration.

      The administration page appears in the workspace.

    3. Click the Import tab.

      The Import tab appears.

    4. In the Flows area, click Download Example.

      The sample CSV file downloads to your computer.

    To download a flows CSV example from the Discovery area:

    1. Go to the Discovery area. For details, see Welcome to AppViz.

      The Discovery area appears in the workspace.

    2. In the Import Flows from File area, click Download Example.

      The sample CSV file downloads to your computer.

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    Import CSV data into AppViz

    After acquiring the CSV file, you import the data into AppViz.

    Note: This procedure is not appropriate for importing network objects. For network objects, Import network object CSV data into AppViz.

    Note: Flows can optionally be imported in the Discovery area. For details, see Discover applications.

    Note: You can optionally import the files using the CLI. For details, see Import CSV data into AppViz via CLI.

    To run the update:

    1. In the toolbar, click your username.

      A drop-down list appears.

    2. In the drop-down list, select Administration.

      The Administration page appears in the workspace.

    3. Click the Import tab.

      The Import tab appears.

    4. In the area relevant to the type of data you are importing, click Select a File.
    5. Select the desired CSV file.

      The selected file appears in the Web Interface.

    6. Click Import.

      The file is imported, and a success message appears with information about the import.

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    Import network object CSV data into AppViz

    After acquiring the CSV file, you import the data into AppViz. You can import the CSV files manually or schedule automatic updates from the AppViz database.

    Additionally, you can review the results of the last import. For details, see Update objects from a CMDB .

    Note: You can optionally import network objects using the CLI. For details, see Import CSV data into AppViz via CLI.

    To run the update for network objects:

    1. In the toolbar, click your username.

      A drop-down list appears.

    2. In the drop-down list, select Administration.

      The Administration page appears in the workspace.

    3. Click the Objects Update tab.

      The Objects Update tab appears.

    4. Configure the behavior of the import, by doing the following:
      1. In the Update Objects from file area, click Manage.

        The CSV Objects Process Settings page appears.

      2. Select the desired options as needed. For details, see Update objects from a CMDB .
      3. Click Save Changes.

        A confirmation message appears at the top of the workspace.

    5. In the Update Objects from file area, do one of the following:
      • To manually update objects, do the following:
        1. Click Update Now.

          The Update Network Objects dialog is displayed.

        2. Do one of the following:
          • To select a file from the AppViz server (/home/bflow/config/discovery_from_logs), do the following:
            1. Select From AppViz server.
            2. In the drop-down menu, select the CSV file.
          • To select a CSV file from any location, do the following:
            1. Select Upload CSV file.
            2. Click Select a File.
            3. Select the desired CSV file.
        3. Click Update Now.

          The objects are updated, and a success message appears with information about the import.

          • To schedule automatic updates, do the following:
            1. Click Edit.

              The Schedule Update of Network Objects dialog is displayed.

            2. Complete the fields as needed. For details, see Update objects from a CMDB .

              Note: If many files accumulate between scheduled updates and are consequently all imported at once, the oldest file is imported first. Conversely, in the case where the update is configured to delete objects that are not present in the file, objects will only be deleted if they do not appear in any of the files.

            3. Click Save Changes.
            4. Save the file you want to use for the update to the AppViz server:


              The automatic updates are scheduled, and will run off of the file you specified.

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    Import CSV data into AppViz via CLI

    To run an import for a CSV file from the CLI:

    1. Open a terminal.
    2. Enter the following command:

      BusinessFlow-CLI.sh -t Task -i CSVFile

      where Task is one of the following tasks:

      • import_applications. Imports applications and custom application fields to the AppViz database.
      • import_contacts. Imports contacts and custom contact fields to the AppViz database.
      • import_app_contacts. Imports contacts and their roles to applications.
      • import_objects. Imports network objects.
      • import_flows. Imports flows definitions to applications.

      and, CSVFile is the full path to the CSV file.

      The data in the CSV file is imported.

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