Edit IP ranges in clouds

You can add or remove the automatically generated IP ranges in clouds. Once implemented, any edits will remain for future map calculations. Additionally, you can display a list of all current cloud edit entries and disable edits that are no longer relevant.

Note: AFA supports adding or removing ranges from clouds, but not removing clouds.

Do the following:

  1. Open a terminal and log in using the username "afa" and the related password.

  2. To add a range to a cloud, enter the following command:

    fa_map -add CIDR -stub stub_router_IP [-comment comment]

    where, CIDR is the CIDR you want to include, stub_router_IP is the IP address of the adjacent router, and comment is a comment for the cloud edit entry (in quotations).

    The comment parameter is optional.

    Note: The input range must be in CIDR format.

    The range is added to the cloud.

  3. To remove a range from cloud(s), do one of the following:

    Note: The comment parameter is optional.

    Note: The input range must be in CIDR format.

    The range is removed from the cloud.

  4. To display a list of all currently configured cloud edit entries, enter the following command:

    fa_map -list -stub stub_router_IP

    where, stub_router_IP is the IP address of the router for which you would like to see all cloud edit entries.

    Note: The stub parameter is optional. When a router is not specified, all entries in the database are displayed.

    The list of all cloud edit entries in the database is displayed.

  5. To disable a cloud edit, enter the following command:

    fa_map -del-entry CIDR -stub stub_router_IP -action exclude

    where, CIDR is the CIDR of the entry you want to delete and stub_router_IP is the IP address of the router for the entry you want to delete.

    Note: The input CIDR and router IP address must be exactly as they are in the cloud edit entry. It is recommended to display the entries (see above) and verify these inputs before running this command.

    The following prompt appears:

    Are you sure you want to delete entry [Y/n]

    Press Enter.

    The cloud is recalculated without the edit.