Search result settings

You can specify which columns FireFlow displays in search results by default.

Do the following:

  1. In the main menu, click Preferences.

    The Settings page is displayed.

  2. In the main menu, click Search options.

    The Search Preferences page is displayed.

    In the Sorting area, do the following:

    Order by

    In the Order by area, specify the default sort order of the search results as follows:

    1. In the left-side fields, select one or more columns according to which the search results should be sorted.
    2. In the right-side fields, select the sort order to use for each specified column: ascending (Asc) or descending (Desc).
    Rows per page In the Rows per page field, select the number of search result rows that should appear in each page.
    Display Columns

    In the Display Columns area, do the following for each column you want to appear in the search results:

    Add Columns

    Do the following:

    1. In the Add Columns box, select a column you want to appear.

    2. Complete the fields in the Format area using the information in Column Format Fields. (see Column Format Fields)

    3. Click .

      The column appears in the Show Columns box. The order that the columns appear in the box (top to bottom) represents the order in which they will appear in the search results (left to right).

      To move the column up or down in the box, select the column and click the or buttons.

      To delete the column, select it and click Delete.

  3. Click Save.

Column Format Fields

In this field...

Do this...


Specify whether items in the column should be linked, by selecting one of the following:

  • -. Items in the column are not linked.
  • Take: Clicking on an item in the column assigns you the relevant change request.
  • Display: Clicking on an item in the column displays the relevant change request.


Type the name of the column.


Specify the text size of items in the column, by selecting one of the following:

  • -. Items in the column appear in medium-sized text.
  • Small: Items in the column appear in small-sized text.
  • Large: Items in the column appear in large-sized text.


Specify the font style of items in the column, by selecting one of the following:

  • -. Items in the column appear in normal font.
  • Bold: Items in the column appear in bold font.
  • Italic: Items in the column appear in italicized font.