
Note: Most of this hook's functionality can be accomplished by configuring conditional logic in the FireFlow web interface. For more details, see Configure initial plan device group conditions. If conditional logic is defined in the web interface and this hook is being used, the hook has lower precedence. The hook is executed only if no condition is met for a specific change request.


sub GetFirewallGroupName


This function is called for every change request just before initial planning is executed on the change request. It receives the change request as input and returns the name of the device group against which FireFlow will check traffic in the Initial Plan stage.

Input Parameters


A Perl hash reference containing a single key called flatTicket, which points to the flat ticket representation of the change request.

For details, see Flat Ticket Examples.

Return Values

One of the following values:

The desired device group's name

This must be the group's real name, not its display name.


Use the default behavior: FireFlow will check traffic against the group configured as $FAQueryDefaultGroup in the configuration file. (The default is the ALL_FIREWALLS group.)