

sub SuggestRuleName


SuggestRuleName is used to set a rule name in change requests when the work order contains a rule that does not yet have a name (i.e. a new rule).

It receives the change request and traffic line number as input, as well as the rule. It returns a suggested name for the rule.

Note: The SuggestRuleName hook is applicable only to brands that support setting rules' names.


Use the generic procedure for overriding system defaults to do the following:

• Set the configuration parameter SuggestRuleNameInWorkOrder to the value 1.

Note: After setting this parameter, you must restart FireFlow for the change to take effect.

Input Parameters


A Perl hash reference containing a single key called flatTicket, which points to the flat ticket representation of the change request.

For details, see Flat Ticket Examples.


The current traffic line in the change request

Return Values

The return value is a string with the suggested rule name.