Get a list of network objects

Get a list of matching network objects by multiple parameters.

Resource name: /api/v1/networkObject/search/findByOriginalNameContaining

Request Method: GET

Request parameters:

Parameter Data Type Description
string Device tree name. To get the device tree name, use GET /devices method from the Devices Setup Resource Group.
direction string

The sorting order of the network objects:

  • DESC - from highest to lowest

  • ASC - from lowest to highest

Network objects are ordered according to the value set in the sort field.

ipType string Network object IP types. If not set, the default value is IPv4.
isUnique string

Determines whether the response includes duplicate entity or object names. Allowed options:

  • true (enabled)

  • (disabled)

For example, when enabled, the response might include multiple network objects with the same name. When disabled, the response will include only the first instance found.

objectContainer string Object container name.
onlyFireflowSupportedDevices boolean

Determines whether the response includes only devices which support FireFlow or all devices. Allowed options:

  • true (default): only devices which support FireFlow

  • false: all devices




Determines whether the response includes only devices which use NAT or all devices. Allowed options:

  • true : only devices which use NAT

  • false (default): all devices

page integer (int32) The number of pages to include in the response.



string Search string, including the network object name. If left empty, all matching objects are returned.
size integer (int32) The number of results to include on each page in the response.
sort string The field used to sort results in the response.
supportedObjectInternalTypeOnly boolean

Determines whether the response includes only internal obejcts or all objects. Allowed options:

  • true : only devices which use NAT

  • false (default): all devices

Request example:

curl -X GET "https://<localhost>/api/v1/networkObject/search/findByOriginalNameContaining?deviceName=device1&direction=ASC&domain=12345&ipType=IPv4&isUnique=false&objectContainer=container1&onlyFireflowSupportedDevices=true&page=0&query=example&size=50&sort=canonizedName" -H "Accept: */*"

Status codes:

Code Description
200 OK
403 The session does not have permissions.
404 Unknown resource

Response parameters:

Parameter Data Type Description
canonizedName string The canonized name of the network object.
classname string The class name of the network object.
icon string The icon of the network object.
id integer (int64) The ID of the network object.
invalidNamedObject boolean Indicates if the network object is an invalid named object.
ipCount integer The number of IP addresses in the network object.
ipType string The IP type of the network object.
ipaddress string The IP address of the network object.
members string The members of the network object.
natRanges array An array of NetworkObjectNatRange items.
ipAddress string The IP address of the NAT range.
natType string The NAT type of the network object.
objectContainer object An ObjectContainer object.
brand object A Brand object.
containerId string The ID of the container.
id integer (int64) The ID of the object container.
managementDevice string The management device of the object container.
name string The name of the object container.
originalName string The original name of the object container.
objectInternalType object An ObjectInternalType object.
id integer (int64) The ID of the object internal type.
name string The name of the object internal type.
originalName string The original name of the network object.
user string The user associated with the network object.
zone string The zone of the network object.
empty boolean Indicates if the content is empty.
first boolean Indicates if it is the first page.
last boolean Indicates if it is the last page.
number integer (int32) The current page number.
numberOfElements integer (int32) The number of elements on the current page.
pageable object A Pageable object.
offset integer (int64) The offset value.
pageNumber integer (int32) The page number.
pageSize integer (int32) The size of the page.
paged boolean Indicates if pagination is enabled.
sort object A Sort object.
empty boolean Indicates if the sort is empty.
sorted boolean Indicates if the sort is sorted.
unsorted boolean Indicates if the sort is unsorted.
unpaged boolean Indicates if pagination is disabled.
size integer (int32) The size of the page.
sort object A Sort object.
totalElements integer (int64) The total number of elements.
totalPages integer (int32) The total number of pages.

Response example (success 200):

  "content": [
      "canonizedName": "network_object1",
      "classname": "ClassA",
      "icon": "icon1.png",
      "id": 1,
      "invalidNamedObject": false,
      "ipCount": 5,
      "ipType": "IPv4",
      "ipaddress": "",
      "members": "member1, member2",
      "natRanges": [
          "ipAddress": ""
          "ipAddress": ""
      "natType": "NAT",
      "objectContainer": {
        "brand": {
          "id": 1,
          "name": "BrandA"
        "containerId": "container1",
        "id": 1,
        "managementDevice": "device1",
        "name": "ContainerA",
        "originalName": "OriginalContainerA"
      "objectInternalType": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "InternalTypeA"
      "originalName": "OriginalNetworkObject1",
      "user": "user1",
      "zone": "ZoneA"
      "canonizedName": "network_object2",
      "classname": "ClassB",
      "icon": "icon2.png",
      "id": 2,
      "invalidNamedObject": false,
      "ipCount": 3,
      "ipType": "IPv6",
      "ipaddress": "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334",
      "members": "member3, member4",
      "natRanges": [],
      "natType": "None",
      "objectContainer": {
        "brand": {
          "id": 2,
          "name": "BrandB"
        "containerId": "container2",
        "id": 2,
        "managementDevice": "device2",
        "name": "ContainerB",
        "originalName": "OriginalContainerB"
      "objectInternalType": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "InternalTypeB"
      "originalName": "OriginalNetworkObject2",
      "user": "user2",
      "zone": "ZoneB"
  "empty": false,
  "first": true,
  "last": true,
  "number": 0,
  "numberOfElements": 2,
  "pageable": {
    "offset": 0,
    "pageNumber": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "paged": true,
    "sort": {
      "empty": true,
      "sorted": false,
      "unsorted": true
    "unpaged": false
  "size": 10,
  "sort": {
    "empty": true,
    "sorted": false,
    "unsorted": true
  "totalElements": 2,
  "totalPages": 1

Response example (failure 400):

  "cause": null,
  "localizedMessage": "Resource not found",
  "message": "Unknown resource",
  "stackTrace": [],
  "suppressed": []