Get a list of permissive rules

Get a list of tighten permissive rules (permissive rules that should be refined) for a specified device. If the device has child devices, tighten permissive rules for them will also be included in the response. Tighten permissive rules information is available for the latest report.

This method is found in the AFA/Policy_Optimization definition in the swagger.

For information about tighten permissive rules, see Intelligent Policy Tuner.

Note: This method can be used only for reports successfully analyzed in A32.60 and above.

Note: To see the list of tighten permissive rules, you need to do the following:

  1. Activate the log analysis on the device. To do this:

    1. log in to the AFA web interface, go to Administration>Devices and edit the settings of the device.

    2. Select the Collect logs checkbox, and define your log server credentials.

  2. Make sure that there is a successful analysis for the device.

Resource name: /api/v1/rules/tightenPermissive/{entityTreeName}

Request Method: GET

Request parameters:

Parameter Data Type Description



Tree name of the device.

(To get the entity name for a device or group (including user-defined groups), see Device names in the ASMS APIs

includeAllRuleInfo boolean
  • true: (default) Include the rule data in the response.

  • false: Do not include the rule data in the response.

pageNumber integer (int32) The page number to include in the response. Default value : 0 (Value 0 means first page).
pageSize integer (int32) The number of rulesto include on each page in the response. Default value : 50.

Request example:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://<localhost>/ms-policy-optimizations/api/v1/rules/tightenPermissive/10_20_30_40?includeAllRuleInfo=true&pageNumber=0&pageSize=50' \
  -H 'accept: */*'

Status codes:

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Authentication failure

Response parameters:

Name Data Type Description
totalPages Number The total number of pages.
totalElements Number The total number of elements.
pageNumber Number The current page number.
pageSize Number The number of elements per page.
tightenDevicePermissiveRules Array An array of objects representing permissive rules for the device.
deviceTreeName String The name of the device tree.
tightenPermissiveRules Array An array of objects representing permissive rules for tightening.
ruleData Object An object containing data for the permissive rule.
ruleId String The ID of the rule.
ruleNumber String The number of the rule.
ruleName String The name of the rule.
sources Array An array of source addresses.
destinations Array An array of destination addresses.
services Array An array of services.
applications Array An array of applications.
action String The action to be taken for the rule.
comment String Additional comments for the rule.
isEnabled String Indicates whether the rule is enabled or disabled.
sectionHeader String The section header of the rule.
global String The global setting for the rule.
log String The log setting for the rule.
install String The install setting for the rule.
count Number The count of the permissive rule.
percentage String The percentage of the permissive rule.
lastUse String The date and time of the last use of the permissive rule.
tightenPermissiveRuleRecommendations Array An array of objects representing recommendations for tightening permissive rules.
fieldType String The type of field the recommendation applies to (source, destination, or service).
name String The name of the recommendation.
definition Array An array of definitions for the recommendation.
recommendationOperation String The operation to be performed for the recommendation.
trafficBreakdown Array An array of objects representing traffic breakdown information.
fieldType String The type of field (source, destination, or service).
definition String The definition of the field.
name String The name of the field.
density String The density of the field.
densityMeaning String The meaning of the field density.
unused Array An array of unused values for the field.
usage Array An array of usage information for the field.
metadata Object An object containing metadata information.
reportName String The name of the report.
deviceName String The name of the device.
calculationTime String The date and time of the calculation.
startDate String The start date of the log
endDate String The end date of the log data.
totalLogDays Number The total number of log days.
daysWithLogs Number The number of days with logs.
daysWithoutLogs Number The number of days without logs.
datesWithoutLog Array An array of dates without log data.
policy String The policy name.

Response example (success 200):

  "totalPages": 1,
  "totalElements": 5,
  "pageNumber": 0,
  "pageSize": 50,
  "tightenDevicePermissiveRules": [
      "deviceTreeName": "GW_Lucario",
      "tightenPermissiveRules": [
          "ruleData": {
            "ruleId": "E5EEF1DD-4659-460A-9CF2-404D8C558F8C",
            "ruleNumber": "1",
            "ruleName": "DO NOT TOUCH!!",
            "sources": [
            "destinations": [
            "services": [
            "applications": [],
            "action": "Accept",
            "comment": "",
            "isEnabled": "Enabled",
            "sectionHeader": "",
            "global": "middle",
            "log": "Log",
            "install": "Policy Targets",
            "ruleData": {
              "layer type": [
                  "value": "Ordered",
                  "icon": null
              "global": [
                  "value": "middle",
                  "icon": null
              "content": [
                  "value": "Any",
                  "icon": null
              "rule position": [
                  "value": "1",
                  "icon": null
              "layer name": [
                  "value": "Network",
                  "icon": null
              "parent rule uid": [
                  "value": "",
                  "icon": null
              "is last rule": [
                  "value": "false",
                  "icon": null
              "original rule uid": [
                  "value": "E5EEF1DD-4659-460A-9CF2-404D8C558F8C",
                  "icon": null
              "ordered layer index": [
                  "value": "1",
                  "icon": null
              "is parent rule": [
                  "value": "false",
                  "icon": null
              "layer uid": [
                  "value": "63b7fe60-76d2-4287-bca5-21af87337b0a",
                  "icon": null
              "layer identifier": [
                  "value": "63b7fe60-76d2-4287-bca5-21af87337b0a",
                  "icon": null
              "install": [
                  "value": "Policy Targets",
                  "icon": null
              "vpn": [
                  "value": "Any",
                  "icon": null
              "name": [
                  "value": "DO NOT TOUCH!!",
                  "icon": null
              "time": [
                  "value": "Any",
                  "icon": null
              "section_header": [
                  "value": "",
                  "icon": null
          "count": 244,
          "percentage": "0.024%",
          "lastUse": "2023-06-08 12:00",
          "tightenPermissiveRuleRecommendations": [
              "fieldType": "dst",
              "name": "New_Object_2",
              "definition": [
              "recommendationOperation": "create a new object and replace"
              "fieldType": "srv",
              "name": "New_Service_1",
              "definition": [
              "recommendationOperation": "create a new object and replace"
              "fieldType": "src",
              "name": "New_Object_1",
              "definition": [
              "recommendationOperation": "create a new object and replace"
          "trafficBreakdown": [
              "fieldType": "src",
              "definition": "NETWORK_OBJECT",
              "name": "net_10.20.x.x",
              "density": "0.78",
              "densityMeaning": "Sparse",
              "unused": [
                " -",
                " -",
                " -"
              "usage": [
                  "name": "",
                  "count": 89,
                  "date": "2023-06-07 12:00",
                  "percentage": "36.48"
                  "name": "",
                  "count": 155,
                  "date": "2023-06-08 12:00",
                  "percentage": "63.52"
              "fieldType": "srv",
              "definition": "SERVICE",
              "name": "Any",
              "density": "<0.01",
              "densityMeaning": "Sparse",
              "unused": [
              "usage": [
                  "name": "tcp:*:22",
                  "count": 244,
                  "date": "2023-06-08 12:00",
                  "percentage": "100"
              "fieldType": "dst",
              "definition": "NETWORK_OBJECT",
              "name": "GW-Lucario",
              "density": "50",
              "densityMeaning": "Sparse",
              "unused": [
              "usage": [
                  "name": "",
                  "count": 244,
                  "date": "2023-06-08 12:00",
                  "percentage": "100"
      "metadata": {
        "reportName": "afa-33063",
        "deviceName": "GW_Lucario",
        "calculationTime": "2023-06-08 01:38",
        "startDate": "2023-02-27 12:00",
        "endDate": "2023-06-08 12:00",
        "totalLogDays": 100,
        "daysWithLogs": 99,
        "daysWithoutLogs": 1,
        "datesWithoutLog": [
        "policy": "Standard.W"

Response example (failure 401):

  "timestamp": 1686658495558,
  "status": 401,
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "path": "/api/v1/rules/tightenPermissive/GW_Lucario"