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Security Policy Management with 

Professor Wool

Network Security for VMware NSX

Network Security for VMware NSX with Professor Wool is a whiteboard-style series of lessons that examine the some of the challenges of and provide technical tips for managing security policies across the VMware NSX software-defined data center and traditional data center.

Migrating to NSX: Understanding the Why in Order to Figure Out the How

Lesson 1

VMware’s NSX enables datacenter owners to secure East-West traffic using filtering policies that are enforced by the VMware infrastructure. However, migrating from existing traditional filtering technologies to VMware NSX can be a daunting task. In this lesson Professor will discuss why it’s important to understand the motivations for a migration to NSX in order to successfully plan and implement the actual migration to the VMware NSX platform.

Migrating to NSX: Understanding the Why in Order to Figure Out the How

Tips on How to Create Filtering Policies for NSX

Lesson 2

When setting up an NSX data center you need to write filtering policies for any traffic that goes into an NSX data center, exits from it, or moves between different servers inside the NSX data center. In this lesson, Professor Wool recommends a multi-stage process to help users write secure and effective policies for east East-West traffic.

Tips on How to Create Filtering Policies for NSX

Best Practices for Bringing NSX Security Policy Management into the InfoSec Fold

Lesson 3

Once the NSX environment is up and running it needs to be part of the organization’s network security policy change process, and subject to the organization’s governance, audit, and regulatory compliance requirements. In this lesson Professor Wool discusses how to approach managing changes, auditing and compliance when the security team doesn’t ‘own’ the virtual environment.

Best Practices for Bringing NSX Security Policy Management into the InfoSec Fold

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