Create & Manage a Micro-Segmented Data Center – Best Practices

Avivi Siman Tov
Director of Product
Lessons from the vault - how micro-segmentation protects your data center's precious jewels

What links the Antwerp Diamond Heist, one of the world’s largest jewelry thefts and data center security? The famous heist was possible because there was no security within the safe deposit vault, enabling the criminals to stay inside undetected for days and steal items worth $100M.

Similarly, to help prevent serious breaches, data center networks must be internally segmented to stop hackers moving freely inside the network and exfiltrating data – but network segmentation must be designed and managed correctly if it’s to be successful. This webinar will examine how to create and manage a micro-segmented data center environment that truly protects your organization’s valuables.

In this webinar, Avivi-Siman-Tov, Product Manager at AlgoSec will cover:

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