What’s in store for Network and Cloud Security Policy Management in 2019?

Download PDF WP Cloud Security Predictions December 2019


Over the last year, we saw some incredible progress in security policy management, especially in the areas of automation, cloud security and SDN. Many enterprises have been embarking on micro-segmenting their networks for better security and management. The public cloud vendors have been seriously upgrading their security tools.

While those trends (and some others) are still very hot, AlgoSec wants to share our informed look at how Network and Cloud Security Policy Management will progress in the coming year. There are technology and management surprises ahead, including some very interesting trends in intelligent, intent-based policy automation. There are sure to be new challenges to current DevOps, cloud and security teams—new responsibilities and opportunities for collaboration.

Forewarned is forearmed. Read our predictions for 2019 and get ready to face the challenges ahead.